Scottish pancakes

Recipe Ingredients:

8 oz plain white flour
2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda
Large pinch of salt
1 tablespoon castor sugar
2 tablespoons oil
1 egg
Milk to mix

Preparation Method:

Makes 12 pancakes

Heat the girdle and grease lightly.

Sift all the flour and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl.

Add in the castor sugar, oil, egg and a little milk.

Stir into the flour and add enough milk to make a thick creamy mixture, approximately the consistency of very thick double cream.

Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the hot girdle and cook until they bubble on top. Turn and cook on the other side until golden brown.

While cooking the rest of the mixture store the cooked pancakes between a small folded towel.

Serve the warm pancakes with butter and preserves.

In the unlikely event of there being any left-overs should be kept in an air tight container.

Reseptistä tulee n. 10 annosta ja yksi annos painaa n. 58 grammaa

Vehnäjauho puolikarkea 28g97kcal2.9g19.9g0.3g1g
Sokeri 1.5g6.1kcal0g1.5g0g0g
Becel juokseva kasviöljyvalmiste2.5g19kcal0g0g2g0g
Kananmuna kuorineen punnittu8.5g11kcal0.9g0g0.8g0g
Maito, Kevyt31g14kcal1g1.5g0.5g0g
Protsku Hiilari Rasva
Annoskoko tuplana144g294kcal9.6g45.8g7.2g2g
Valittu annoskoko72g147kcal4.8g22.9g3.6g1g
Annoskoko puolitettuna36g74kcal2.4g11.5g1.8g0.5g

P = Proteiini | H = Hiilihydraatti | R = Rasva | K = Kuitu
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