Lemon-vanilla Proteincake

70 g oat flour
40 g vanilla protein powder
10 g shredded coconut
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
zest from 1/2 a lemon
2 tsp lemon juice (this time I used lime instead and it worked just as well)
2 eggwhites
1 dl almond milk (or normal milk)
70 g low cal applesauce

If you want to make a protein powder free version just replace the protein powder with oat flour.

I would also recomend you to add 1/2-1 tsp vanilla extract, although I haven’t tried this version so I can’t promise that it will be as good.

Mix all of the dry ingredients in a bowl and then add the wet ones.

Mix well and make sure that there are no lumps.
Pour the batter into a small greased baking pan, so the cake won’t stick.

(Or use baking paper) Bake it in the oven for about 20 minutes on 175 C. Make sure that the cake is done when you take it out. Let it cool and serve with vanilla quark.

Reseptistä tulee n. 10 annosta ja yksi annos painaa n. 33 grammaa

Tattarijauho, Vijatuote54g189kcal7g37.8g0.8g2.9g
Hera80 heraproteiinijauhe, vanilja (Fast), annos 30g36g149kcal28.1g2.2g3.2g0g
Leivinjauhe 9g16kcal0.5g3.4g0g0g
Kookoshiutale 18g119kcal1.5g1.2g11.6g2.9g
Sitruunamehu, laimentamaton27g5.7kcal0.1g0.4g0g0g
Kananmunan valkuainen 66% kananmunan massasta 144g61kcal14.1g0.6g0.1g0g
Mantelimaito, alpro (Alpro), annos 100g180g43kcal0.9g5.4g2g0.4g
Omenasose sokeroimaton (Valio), annos 200g126g50kcal0.3g12.6g0.1g2g
Protsku Hiilari Rasva
Annoskoko tuplana1188g1267kcal105g127.2g35.6g16.4g
Valittu annoskoko594g634kcal52.5g63.6g17.8g8.2g
Annoskoko puolitettuna297g317kcal26.3g31.8g8.9g4.1g

P = Proteiini | H = Hiilihydraatti | R = Rasva | K = Kuitu
Suora URL tähän reseptiin http://kalorilaskuri.fi/reseptit.php?resepti=397751