Chicken curry Indian style

Put oil in pan, put cumin, chopped onions, ginger, garlic and green chills.

fry them until golden brown.

Remove skin from chicken pieces, put in the pan now. Add salt and all the spices.

cover the pan with a tight lid on the pan, and slow down the heat.

After 20 mins, put tomatos, curd in it and cover the pan for another 15 mins.

Put one glass of hot water in the pan and cook for another 5 mins.

Delicious chicken curry is ready.

Reseptistä tulee n. 2 annosta ja yksi annos painaa n. 575 grammaa

Kanapojan koipipaloja (Kariniemen), annos 420g735g1286kcal169.1g14.7g60.3g0.7g
Sipuli, tuore700g189kcal9.1g33.6g1.4g11.9g
Jogurtti (maustamaton) Rainbow175g96kcal7g10.5g3g0g
Öljyt, rypsiöljy, 5 g, 1 tl53g473kcal0g0g52.5g0g
Tomaatti, tuore350g71kcal2.1g13.3g1g4.9g
Protsku Hiilari Rasva
Annoskoko tuplana4025g4230kcal374.6g144.2g236.4g35g
Valittu annoskoko2013g2115kcal187.3g72.1g118.2g17.5g
Annoskoko puolitettuna1006g1058kcal93.7g36.1g59.1g8.8g

P = Proteiini | H = Hiilihydraatti | R = Rasva | K = Kuitu
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