Porkkana herne indian style

1.cut carrots into small pieces and put

2. Unfreeze peas
3. put oil in pan
4. Put cumin, carrots and peas after a while.

5. cook on medium heat for 3 mins
6. put salt, curry powder, chilli or any herb as per the taste
7. slow down the flame and cover the pan with a tight lid for 5-7 mins.

8. mix well and check if carrots are cooked and become soft.

9. Indian style carrot peas vegetable is ready

Reseptistä tulee n. 1 annosta ja yksi annos painaa n. 366 grammaa

Porkkana, keskikokoinen 65g1600g448kcal9.6g95.2g3.2g40g
Herne 1200g827kcal60.7g112.3g4.8g37.2g
Öljyt, rypsiöljy, 5 g, 1 tl120g1080kcal0g0g120g0g
Suola, annos 3g8g0kcal0g0g0g0g
Protsku Hiilari Rasva
Annoskoko tuplana5856g4710kcal140.6g415g256g154.4g
Valittu annoskoko2928g2355kcal70.3g207.5g128g77.2g
Annoskoko puolitettuna1464g1178kcal35.2g103.8g64g38.6g

P = Proteiini | H = Hiilihydraatti | R = Rasva | K = Kuitu
Suora URL tähän reseptiin http://kalorilaskuri.fi/reseptit.php?resepti=340348